Our Chino went Best of Breed under the renouned Finnish judge Elina Haapaniemi!
What a glorious moment, not one to be soon forgotten, also got sunburned under the boiling hot sun, but it was so worth it!
Tarmo lähti 02.07.2013 Kemiä kohti siskonsa Helmin luokse. Vikkilän kotitalous on ikuisesti kiitollinen ja odottaa koska voi tehdä vastapalveluksen Hempukan kotiväelle tulevaisuudessa. Minttu on
jotain ainutlaatuista, ei kahta ilman kolmatta, niinhän se menee. Ei ainoastaan Helmi alottanut juoksuja sitten juuri ennen Tarmon saapumista, mutta Tarmo keksi niin monta ihastuttavaa siskonsa
tyylistä tapaa että oikein hävetti. Silti Minttu sen jotenkin otti huumorin kannalta, jopa sen kun Tarkkis keksi kusta sohvaan jossa se hemaiseva ja ihanainen Helmi nainen oli maannut....
Kuin ihmeen lailla Tarmotin onnistui olemaan suhteellisen kiltisti koko reissun, meni sopuisasti Ville- velipuolen (P.Hot Headline) kanssa ja Maamo saikin olla muutamaa miehekästä kanatapelua
(paljon ääntä ja vähän kontaktia) lukuunottamatta kavereina Villen kanssa yhdessä ihan kokoajan. On se vaikeata olla miäs joskus naisten maailmassa. Wilma, Helmi ja Ville olivat hyvin ihania kun
antoivat yhden yli rakastavan Maamosen viettää kesälomaa heidän kanssaan!
Tarmo lähti ensimmäisenä viikonloppunaan 06.07.2013 Piteån KV kera Mintun. Ihana "mummi" perheineen oli kehänlaidalla auttamassa. Onni on hyvät ystävät, ja super kiitos Jukalle, Sarille ja Mintulle Piteån reissusta ja hienosta PU4 tuloksesta!
Piteån jälkeen jatkui Mintun ihana kärsivällisyys Tarmokasta pikku miestä kohtaan. Keksiköön keittiönpöydän hienoksi kyttäyspaikaksi, lapsiportin upeaksi hypättäväksi esteeksi, sohvan pissapaikaksi ja ruuan syönnin aivan uudenlaiseksi taistelulajiksi kera monen komennon ja muistuttamisen kun Tarmo haluaisi vaan rakastaa.... Tuskin voin koskaan kiittää tarpeeksi, mutta kiitos, ja kiitos kun esitit Tarmon vielä Oulussakin omien kommellusteni takia!
"Iso vanhemmat" Sari ja Jukka Kuikka olivat lauantaina tsemppaamassa pikku miestä kera kameran, onnea vielä Hojannan hienosta VSP:stä, ja kiitos kuvista! Lauantaina Minttu ja Tarmo menivät Erin arvoisesti ilman sen enempiä tuloksia. Super kiitos auttamisesta ja hienosti esitetty!!
Pepita lähti perjantaina kasvattajansa kyydissä kohti Oulua kera Niinan ja poikien!
Super kiitos hienoista Pepitan tuloksista kuuluu yksinomaan Petra Sankelolle ja Pepitan lojaalille fanille ja Petran oikealle kädelle Niina Norimalle!!!
Lauantaina mummu veti ROP-Veteraanin ja sijoittui PN3! Sunnuntai ei mennyt paljon huonommin, tiukalla tuomarilla sijoituttiin ROP-Veteraaniksi ja PN4! Kiitos tytöt huimista tuloksista ja
kaikesta vaivan näöstä!
Sunnuntai vedettiin sitten jo paremmin Tarmonkin osalta, Pu4 !!! Hienoa, kiitos Minttu ja onnea omasta PN3 Helmin kanssa, hyvin ansaittu! Hienosti vedetty!
Nyt ei muuta kuin odoteta tibbe lapsosia takaisin kotiin saapuvaksi Petran hellässä huomassa.
Täälä odotetaan sydäntenvaltaajan paluuta, ja voin vain kuvitella että kaikkien kommellusten kera, herrasmiäs jätti omat tassunjälkensä eläinrakkaan Mintunkin sydämmeen ja sielä muistellaan vielä hetki Maamon hauskoja tapoja ja elämän iloa.
Chino, Chenespace Raison d'Être was BM3 with his last CAC now making him Finnish and Belarus Champion: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian & Baltic Junior Champion not to mention his success last year in Latvian and Lithuanian winners gaining LV JW-12 and LT JW-12 titles!
Our Co-owned Pindaros King of Kings "Tarmo" became Finnish Champion at Aura group show placing BOS out of 13 contestants!
We are so happy about this boy in our lives,
and so glad his breeder & co.owner trusted him in our hands!
He will also be confirmed as Lithuanian Champion with his CACs from the lithuanian Winner & CACIB show weekend
What a day, i've never had a "win it all" day but today was it, still can't believe it!
Aura group show was spent half the day in pouring rain! Luckily the TT were spared from it but it was raining bucketfuls when the Pyrs were in the ring.
Chenespace Raison d'Être "Chino" was BOB today with CAC! Echo de'Chien Bewitched "Wicca" was BOS with her very 1st CAC the judge was Angela Mcnally, Ireland.
The TT did just as great in quite a tough crowd I might add Pindaros Excellent Me "Pepita" was BOB and BOB Veteran under the judge Charlotte Laning-Vrethammar, she was also the only
bitch to get CQ! Pindaros King of Kings "Tarmo" was CH1, Exc, CQ, BM1, BOS with CAC and our newest Finnish Champion!
WHAT A DAY! still on cloud nine Thanks to everyone for the support special thanks to Niina the magic maker for showing and grooming Pepita and to Jenni for keeping me company
in Niina's tent while it was raining and helping me show BOS! We also showed Pindaros Breeders class to BOB-breeder and did our best but didn't place in the big ring Pepita was
shortlisted in group and BIS-Vet but didn't place challenging conditions for a coat today but we managed well! oh and Congratulations to Tarmo's co-owner Petra!!
We started out a great show day in wonderful company of the magic maker Niina Norima, our beloved breeder Petra Sankelo and her trusty three time puppy owners Tuula and her daughter Riikka. Our
tents were just at the edge of our ring.
Our judge Maret Kärdu from Estonia placed Tarmo's sister as BOS with CAC ---> and Pirkko became a new FI CH! Niina's gorgeous Justus was BOS and placed BIG-4!
Tarmo won open class with Exc, but no CQ as he still has some growing to do. Pepita on the otherhand won the jackpot! Best of breed Veteran and not only did she shortlist in BIS-veteran rings,
she placed BIS-3 Veteran under the respected judge, Tino Pehar! Super thanks for Petra for handling her in the big ring and all the support!
We finished the fabulous day placing 2nd in the Best in Show breeder contest at Orivesi National on sunday!
Could not be prouder to be a part of the lovely TT team Pindaros!
Me & Chino headed off to Estonia, in the brilliant company of Tuulikki and Juulia from Chenespace, in the early hours of the morning. We had a wonderful trip, could not thank the girls enough
for their company and help and shade all along the day on the show grounds. We had an adventure, slept in a nice rental apartment that was one of those text book "don't judge a book by it's
cover" kind of places, and enjoyed dinner with great friends.
We had a double show day in extremely hot weather under the sun. In the morning we arrived in style as the best of women do, just in the nick of time, LOL! Estonian winner show went well
under the lovely judge, Irina Polateava, from Finland. Our travel company C.Question Piège placed BB1, BOS and C.Patron placed BOB and both gained Estonian Winner-13 and EE CH titles! Chino
placed BM3 at the winner show with a lovely critique and heat making him perform a tad lazier than normal so I am more than pleased with his result!
Later in the afternoon after the winner BIS rings were beginning, our Speciality show started. Our judge was Sue Hewart-Chambers from UK. Chino got a wonderful critique with such sweet
compliments as "a smiley boy", "sweet expression" & "good mover" and his "shepherd's hook" was also aknowledged. But the day had been hot and it showed in his inspiration to move sadly
and we placed 3rd in Champion class with Excellent critique.
Chenespace was BOB-breeder with both judges and BISS-breeder in the afternoon.
The evening made our day perfect, we went to dinner with Kadi-Liis Säre & Marion-Silvia Diener to a lovely old stone built restaurant near the harbour with the biggest ciders I have ever
seen. Gorgeous food, company and a rewarding show day in the best of company made this slightly sleepless trip so worth every minute.
Special thanks to Chino's breeders Juulia & Tuulikki for a lovely trip, can't wait for the next one!
It was a lovely friday afternoon after a long and energy draining work week. Just had to take off straight from the car to the field with my dogs. Nothing saves my day like my furry children! No work day too hard, no problem in life too difficult that a smile like the one above can't save for me!
All photos are clickable to a bigger size by the push of a button!
We had a rain filled show day in Jämsä with Chino showing gorgeous gorgeous usual self to Hannele Jokisilta with the same VG result as last time, LOL!
But Tarmo saved my flue filled day being BM3 with his 2nd CAC under Mona K. Selbach, Norway! Thank you for a WONDERFUL critique and placement! <3 We are so happy !
We had a wonderful TT filled day at Tampere in the best of TT company! We met Sari in real life for the 1st time, she seemed very proud of her Luca's offspring Tarmo! Thanks also for the
wonderful photos!
Tiina's Telma placed BOS, Niina our personal Magic Maker and her precious boy Justus placed BM4 and Tarmo with his accident proned teeth placed Int2 with Exc and a superb critique.
After the rings were over we sad down for coffee and tea and "healed the world" for a little bit of chit chat. Nothing brings more energy and vibrance into life than the supporting words of
Thanks to everyone I met for being there yesterday! Bumped into my special girl Vilma Helle and she had placed 5th in JH out of nearly 60 contestants! WOWWEEEEE!!
We had a wonderful not so succesful day at Lahti international with Tarmo & Chino.
We got to spend the day with Tanja & our Norwegian import Tao! It was absolutely great to see them, and how nicely Tao has grown!
Tanja has done such a great job with her precious boy. Tao won BOS puppy against the gorgeous Soulman's Alana, Congratulations for everyone for their great results and thanks to everyone for
their company! Special congrats to Tuulia Salonen on her birthday!
We did the trip of our lives to Lithuanian Winner and double CACIB show in GREAT company!
Maija and her two Norwich terriers from kennel Rat Traps, Me with Wicca & Tarmo, Kaisa from kennel Valopisaran with her two sweet Podhalanskies, and last but not least Marion from kennel Echo
de'Chien with Wicca's sister Bella and A-litter boy Neesu!
As almost all of you know, on our way back we slid off the road and in the middle of it all Neesu escaped from the open door and our 24h search in the Lithuanian fields and woods (thanks for
everyone who shared helped and worried) was rewarded with finding the boy in one piece. Have to say Lithuanian Hospitality really over threw me and our ladies to tears, wonderful caring
Result wise we did wonderfully, at the Winner Tarmo, Ringo, Wicca, Jori & Armi got Lithuanian Winner-13 titles! Sintti stole the Lithuanian Junior Winner-13 title with BOS!
Marion's Bella & Neesu placed 2nd with res-CACIBs!
Sunday was a blander day to say the least, Wicca was out of the rings, Tarmo placed BOB with his 4th CACIB, and Marion's Bella was BOS with her 1st CACIB!
thanks to all of you for a memorable trip together!
Chenespace Raison d'Être "Chino"
Echo de'Chien Bewtiched "Wicca"
Pindaros King of Kings "Tarmo"
c/o Pindaros, Petra Sankelo
I did my first bus trip with dogs and decided not to make it too easy for me. So I travelled with Chino, Wicca & Tarmo!
As company for the trip and hotel room we got our dearest friend Kata from kennel Solar Gift's with her lovely Pyr lady Emily. What a great trip, came back with 4 Belarus Champions, and total of
4 CACIBs and 3 Res-CACIBs! Not too shabby!
Met some wonderful breeders and helped handle new breeds!
Wonderful trip all in all! Special thanks to Kata for twisting my arm to enter ;) and Jenni etc for the show company!