Showing with the Tibbys!

We had an amazing start to our "official show year"  with the tibbys at a smallish group show in Estonia. There were 46 breeds presented as it was only a two group show, but Pepita really out did herself on saturday! We are proud to present our kennels 1st BIS- placer! Pepita was BOB, placed 2nd in Group ring against 19 other BEAUTIFULLY groomed and handled dogs. As it was only a 2 group show, best two placers from both breeds battled together for the BIS placements. 


We got what we needed. Both Pepita and Niilo got CAC on both days and on top of it i had a wonderful weekend in some wonderful company. We traveled together with Jenna Timonen from kennel Pet Pursuit, and i want to thank her for a lovely trip.


Pepita met her match! Luna (As You Wish from Taste of Ambrosia) was just as much of a battery bunny as Pepita was a few years back. We also were trusted with a few gorgeous Cavaliers and they were heart warmingly friendly and easy to travel with. 


We nearly ran off the road, and saturday was hectic and we got about 6h sleep in nearly 70h, our boat broke before we got on it but we managed to get a spare place in the 9pm boat on sunday and got home in one piece! All in all, i wouldn't change a minute of it! Thanks Jenna, it was great to get to know you better, and i truly wish all the best for your baby girl and your future plans! 


But before i forget, Thanks especially for taking Pepita in the group ring saturday and showing her so well!

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